Category: Cheat Sheets

Resources Cheat Sheets

Choosing the Right B2B Tech PR Agency: A Guide for Tech Companies

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, staying ahead in the market is not just about having innovative products, services or technologies; it’s also about how effectively you communicate them to important stakeholders, from talent to investors.

Bogdan Marinescu 21 March 2024
Cheat Sheets Reviews

How to Remove Bad Reviews on Amazon

Online powerhouses such as Google are oftentimes the first place potential buyers go to dig up more information on a specific product or business, and seeing negative reviews can deter them from buying from a particular brand. Understanding the impact reviews have on a business’ success, we wrote a blog explaining how to remove bad Google reviews of your brand.

Digital Trails 13 April 2021
Cheat Sheets Reviews

How to remove bad reviews from TripAdvisor

Whether you’re a local mom-and-pop jewelry repair shop who’s received one snaring review that stays at the top of your TripAdvisor business page for months, or a large paradise resort receiving a backlash of negative reviews during a week where half your staff happened to be out with the flu, bad TripAdvisor reviews can be burned in the mind of a prospective customer for a long time.

Digital Trails 26 March 2021
Reviews Cheat Sheets

How to remove bad Google reviews of your brand

A bad Google review can be a tough pill to swallow for any business owner. Luckily, there are actions you can take if you feel that your company has received an unfair or fake view. Unfortunately, the process isn’t as easy as simply clicking “Delete”.

Digital Trails 14 May 2020
Cheat Sheets Resources

Can you remove your name from Google search results?

Whether you’re a business owner, on the hunt for a new job, or simply want to take control of your online presence, it’s likely you’ve wondered how to remove your name from Google search results.

Digital Trails 28 April 2020

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