Category: Resources


Successful Market Launch for Scaleups – The Essential Guide

Is your scale-up ready to take over international markets? In this guide, we’ll walk you through each critical step, providing insights and practical strategies to help you navigate the complexities of a new market launch.

Bogdan Marinescu 3 May 2024

From Local to Global: Leveraging Digital PR for International Success

In today’s digital age, the boundaries that once confined your brand and business are fading away, opening doors to a global marketplace where international visibility isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential.

Bogdan Marinescu 27 March 2024
Resources Cheat Sheets

Choosing the Right B2B Tech PR Agency: A Guide for Tech Companies

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, staying ahead in the market is not just about having innovative products, services or technologies; it’s also about how effectively you communicate them to important stakeholders, from talent to investors.

Bogdan Marinescu 21 March 2024

8 Free Online Reputation Management Tools You Need

If someone doesn’t feel they can trust you, your products or services, there’s no way they’ll become your customer. This is why constantly monitoring your online reputation is an essential part of your digital marketing strategy.

But how can you keep track of what people are saying about your brand online?

Digital Trails 16 April 2021

Can You Delete Your Online Presence?

If you’ve ever performed a Google search, opened up an email account, or bought something online, your personal information is available for anyone to see. If you’re concerned about the security of your data, you’ve probably asked yourself: “Can you delete your online presence?”

Digital Trails 13 April 2021

Can Your Online Presence Help Your Job Search?

According to a survey by CareerBuilder, 70% of employers use social media sites to screen candidates before hiring, while 54% of them have eliminated a candidate based on their accounts.

Thus, the question arises: can your online presence help your job search?

Digital Trails 12 March 2021

How can you measure online visibility?

Online visibility is essential. But do you know how to measure it accurately? Here’s our tips on the most important metrics needed to measure online visibility.

Digital Trails 24 September 2020

What is your online presence and how do you build it?

If you’ve just started your business or have recently decided to take your business online, building your online presence can mean the difference between success and failure. In this blog we’ll give you some tips on how you can create and build your online presence for your brand to ensure you have the right eyes on it.

Digital Trails 21 August 2020

How to increase visibility for your e-commerce business

To tackle the impact of the recent crisis, many companies worldwide have been stepping up their online game. We’ve asked 11 marketers about the top tactics they used to boost online visibility for e-commerce during the past few months. In this article we reveal what worked, based on their expert advice.

Digital Trails 17 August 2020

How to Create Online Visibility for Your Brand

Brand visibility is a brand and its offering’s presence in a consumer environment.  This means how often people see your brand in search results, social media, emails, online advertising, and other online marketing channels.

Digital Trails 30 April 2020

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