Bedsure Case Study:

PR for Amazon Sellers: How we Drove
Amazon Sessions and Sales
for Bedsure in the UK and Germany

Bedsure case study - PR for Amazon sellers.

Increasing seasonal sessions and revenue with our PR for Amazon Sellers activity - top tier product reviews, round-ups and guides.



Earned media placements
(UK & Germany)


Estimated views
(UK & Germany)


YOY seasonal
revenue increase


Bedsure, a home e-commerce brand selling mainly on Amazon, had established a strong presence on the platform. However, as a brand, they had little media visibility with product roundups, reviews and “best buy” articles in their key markets of the UK and Germany. We tapped into this opportunity and deployed our PR for Amazon sellers strategy to place their products in top articles advising shoppers on best products to buy for the home.


Bedsure’s goal was to boost seasonal Amazon sales, particularly during the Q4 season leading up to Christmas and beyond, in the UK and Germany. The challenge was to effectively leverage PR activity to increase Amazon sessions from PR placements and ultimately increase seasonal sales revenue. This entailed creating a strategy that would not only boost brand visibility but also deliver tangible results in terms of revenue.

The Solution

To achieve Bedsure’s objectives, we devised an integrated PR campaign tailored to the Amazon e-commerce landscape. Our approach revolved around strategic product placement, launching new products, soliciting reviews, creating gift guides, and crafting seasonal content. The key was to specifically target relevant online media outlets falling within Tier 1 (including nationals and top current affairs publications) and Tier 2 (industry magazines), particularly those involved in the Amazon Associates Program.

By doing so, we established a symbiotic relationship. Media outlets were incentivised to feature Bedsure’s products because it generated affiliate marketing revenue for them. In turn, Bedsure benefited from increased website traffic and consequent sales, creating a mutually beneficial dynamic.

The Results

The campaign secured 96 earned media placements in the UK and 92 in Germany, further cementing Bedsure’s presence in these key markets and garnering an estimated 14.2 million views in the UK and 4.65 million views in Germany, highlighting the campaign’s broad reach and engagement.

Bedsure achieved an impressive 6% year-on-year (YoY) increase in seasonal revenue, showcasing how our PR for Amazon sellers strategy not only drove Amazon traffic but also led to a substantial increase in seasonal revenue, underlining the power of targeted media engagement in e-commerce.

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